Wealth succession

Convince your clients with specialist expertise and accompany them over several generations. We provide you with three services so that you can successfully position wealth succession as a relevant topic with your clients and customers. The client meetings or training formats for your team take place in close coordination with you - either digitally or directly on site.

Employee training 

For your employees we conduct an interactive one-day workshop "Wealth Succession".



  • Powers of attorney and dispositions
  • Basics of inheritance law
  • Basics of inheritance and gift tax law
  • Legal Services Act
  • Implementation in practice



  • Gain confidence on the topic of asset succession.
  • Learn about the possibilities of addressing and approaches for portfolio protection and acquisition.
  • Identify and leverage hidden potential.
  • Increase your consulting competence

Client events 

We explain to your clients and interested parties the basic issues involved in planning a wealth succession. The event is designed as an introduction, followed by individual discussions.

The presentation event includes: 

  • Prominent examples of unsuccessful succession planning
  • Tips and structural recommendations for successful asset succession
  • Comments on the usufructuary depot
  • Practical examples

Compact analyses

We work out an individual plan for a wealth succession with your clients in a one-on-one meeting.

Content of the initial meeting: 

  • Recording the current situation of your client - what is the family situation? Do powers of attorney and dispositions exist? How is the asset structure structured?
  • Recording of the target situation with all goals and wishes
  • Analysis and development of the necessary measures


After the first meeting, data is collected and analyzed using financial planning software. In the second meeting the elaboration is presented and discussed. If necessary, a referral to a lawyer, notary or tax advisor is made. We are happy to draw on your network. If necessary, we can also establish contacts to our network.

we are here for you
Contact us. For further advice please use our employee search.
René Niemann
René Niemann
Leitung Vermögensnachfolge
Naomi Bitter
Naomi Bitter
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