Digital asset management

​​​​​​We consistently use digitization and white label technology to make custodian banking even easier, faster and more secure. As a full-service provider, we deliver solutions for every need - without any investment costs of our own. Under the V-CHECK brand, we offer technology including marketing concepts.

Aquiring new customers with white label technology 

You design your start page according to your ideas. In our system we create a white-label page with your strategies. The landing page with your logo for the start of the investment and for the customer login then plays our system automatically. Your advantages:

Expand customer target group 

  • Acquire new customers with digital strategies from € 25,000
  • Children & grandchildren deposits

Efficient management of existing customers 

  • Manage existing customers with small & medium volumes efficiently and in a legally compliant manner
  • Consolidate custodian banks

Establishment of a partner network 

  • Customer base expansion via feeders and intermediaries
  • Support through customer connection with white label online onboarding process
  • Increase of brand awareness and reach

Benefits for you as an asset manager 

  • We are a state approved custodian bank
  • The client is visible in the V-Bank Front End
  • Uncomplicated and efficient support for WPHG documentation, annual suitability documentation, loss threshold notification and reporting, performance fee calculation, client debit and invoicing
  • Allocation and order placement for all clients with just a few clicks
  • Data delivery via interface to your portfolio management system
  • Fast document delivery to your customers with V-CHECK access
  • White label: No implementation costs. Manageable technology fee (based on total volume; additive):
  • Asset manager fee freely selectable - therefore attractive current income and lower time expenditure

Benefits for your customers 

  • Investment in high-quality asset manager strategy already possible from manageable amounts - e.g. single stock strategy from 25,000 €.
  • We are a renowned custodian bank - awarded "Best Custodian Bank 2023" in Private Banker magazine
  • Uncomplicated and efficient use through automated WPHG documentation (annual suitability documentation)
  • Overview and access to documents with modern online client cockpit
  • Low transaction costs for small orders
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