Our services
Our services include wealth succession, digital asset management, digital assets, digital tax reporting and open banking platform. Feel free to contact us.
Wealth succession
Use specialist expertise to convince clients directly and secure your clients' mandate portfolios over several generations. We provide you with three services to help you successfully position wealth succession as a topic with your clients and customers. The client meetings or training formats for your team take place in close coordination with you - either digitally or directly on site.
Digital asset management
We consistently use digitization and white label technology to make custodian banking even easier, faster and more secure. As a full-service provider, we deliver solutions for every need - without any investment costs of our own. Under the V-CHECK brand, we offer technology including marketing concepts.
Digital assets
We believe in revolutionary changes in the management and custody of assets. We are convinced that blockchain technology not only encompasses new asset classes and forms such as cryptocurrencies or NFTs. It goes much further and changes the classic transaction processes in custody banking. We will help shape this technical revolution for our business partners.
Digital tax reporting
In order to correctly record the securities custody account values of companies, foundations and private individuals with complex asset structures for tax purposes, tax consultants previously had to invest a lot of manual work. The professional automated reporting of our partner Fintegra relieves them - and the asset owner saves costs. Asset managers can thus take advantage of all the opportunities on the capital market and consistently implement their investment strategy.
ESG database
We offer discounted data packages to our business partners through the Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) ESG Database. ISS ESG is a recognized data provider that is a global leader in ESG solutions for investors, asset managers, hedge funds and asset service providers. ISS ESG Ratings cover over 12,000 companies and over 26,000 funds and ETFs. Controversy research covers 20,000 companies. Please do not hesitate to contact our sales staff for further information. Please contact us!
Lombard loans
Protect your liquidity and take advantage of market opportunities as they arise. With a Lombard loan, we expand your customers' financial room for maneuver - at attractive conditions. And without having to sell your customers' securities portfolios. Our sales staff will be happy to assist you. Get in touch with us!
Order interfaces
We offer interfaces to the leading portfolio management systems (including Infront, PSplus and Expersoft). They allow you fully integrated transaction processing in an open banking system. This gives you two important advantages: less manual effort and, at the same time, greatly reduced susceptibility to errors. Our sales staff will be pleased to be at your disposal as contact persons. Please contact us!
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