personal & sustainable
Authentic, with integrity and in a partnership - that's how we treat our business partners and their customers. For us, sustainability goes even further. It means that we, as a company, live up to our social responsibility as a whole.
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  • We take our social responsibility seriously and are committed to education, for example, in cooperation with the Technical University of Aschaffenburg.
  • As a company, we are guided by the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and are signatories to the Diversity Charter.
  • We are developing cooperative ventures and expanding our network so that you, as our business partners, can make a contribution to shaping financial flows sustainably at an early stage. Most recently, we concluded a framework agreement with ISS ESG for our business partners.
  • ESG criteria are increasingly playing a role in the investment of our own funds (Depot A).
  • We will maintain flexible workplaces, i.e. home office and shared office space, as integral components of our corporate culture in the long term. In this way, we are helping to reduce the burden on the environment by reducing commuting and improving the work-life balance of our employees.
  • Every V-Bank customer has a direct contact person - and behind them a reliable team.
  • We are there for you personally, act promptly and act transparently.
  • The customer is always at the center. We are not satisfied until our partners are satisfied.
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