V-Bank in figures.

Click here for our annual report.

We don't talk about your money. But we do talk about our business figures. Here are the most important facts at a glance.

Operating figures

billion € assets under custody
As of 12/2023(prel.) |
End of 2022: € 38.3 billion
thsd. accounts and deposits
As of 12/2023 (prel.) |
End of 2022: 50.8 thsd.
80 %
market penetration
482 cooperating asset managers |
As of: 12/2023 (prel.) |
End of 2022: 458

Company figures

million € balance sheet total
As of 12/2022 |
End of 2021: € 2996 million
million € profit
As of 12/2022 |
2021: € 11,1 million
Status: 12/2022 I
End of 2021: 93

Ownership structure

As of 31.12.2023
81.9 %
Asset managers and family offices
15.3 %
W&W Gesellschaft für Finanzbeteiligungen GmbH
2.8 %
Management and employees

Operational growth

Number of accounts
15038 2016 17493 2017 16856 2018 21553 2019 25533 2020 30777 2021 50800 2022 56367 12/2023 12/2023 56367 2022 50800 2021 30777 2020 25533 2019 21553 2018 16856 2017 17493 2016 15038

Regulatory figures

Mio. € Equity (CET1)
As of: 12/2022 |
End 2021: 57,0 Mio. €
18.2 %
CET1 ratio
As of: 12/2022
Mio. € Deposit insurance fund
As of: 12/2022
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