innovative & digital
Our founding was already an innovation. Since then, we have been steadily developing custodian banking as an asset bank. We are one of the 100 most innovative companies in Germany.
downloads on the topic
Further information can be found in our download section
  • We actively drive innovation and pick up on new topics, trends and technologies. That's why we are already looking at commission trading of cryptocurrencies, tokenization of assets and the impact of blockchain technology.
  • With new approaches for our clients and business partners, we create new standards and lasting added value for you. For example, we are increasing the quality of our tax reporting.
  • We are already much more than a mere custodian bank. Through our open banking platform, we offer you a whole bundle of future-oriented services from more than 15 network partners from a single source.
  • We will continue to invest in our future viability and are constantly working on new offerings and solutions that differentiate us in the market. In the coming years, 80% of our investments will go into the further development of our IT alone.
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