Digital tax reporting

In order to correctly record the securities custody account values of companies, foundations and private individuals with complex asset structures for tax purposes, tax consultants previously had to invest a lot of manual work. The professional automated reporting of our partner Fintegra relieves them - and the asset owner saves costs. Asset managers can thus take advantage of all opportunities on the capital market and consistently implement their investment strategy.

The tax reporting from us as a custodian bank is standardized for settlement tax. In order for companies and foundations to determine the taxable profit of a client, financial data such as average prices or incidental costs must be obtained and manually prepared for each individual asset. At least this is true for the conventional way.

The digital tax reporting of our network partner Fintegra offers a new, innovative solution here: Through an IT interface, all information required for the annual financial statement and the tax return is made available fully automatically in a virtual, protected data room. This not only increases data quality, but also process quality. Tax consultants can save up to 80% of their working time - and asset owners can cut costs. Companies and foundations with liquidity in corporate or asset management benefit from operational tax reporting (BSR). For private investors with foreign currency accounts, foreign currency reporting (FWR) is available.

Your benefits at a glance:

  • Receipts, average rates and other information no longer have to be searched for, recorded and processed manually.
  • Automatic recording and processing saves entrepreneurs, foundations and tax consultants valuable working time.
  • The costs for tax consulting can be significantly reduced.
  • Process and data quality is increased through automated processing and data transport.
  • New legal requirements are incorporated promptly. This reduces the risk of violating tax laws.
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