Digital assets

We believe in revolutionary changes in the management and custody of assets. We are convinced that blockchain technology not only encompasses new asset classes and forms such as cryptocurrencies or NFTs. It goes much further and changes the classic transaction processes in custody banking. We will help shape this technical revolution for our business partners.

  • Through our ecosystem, we want to enable asset management and custody of digital assets of all forms.
  • We expect assets to be digitized, fragmented, and subsequently traded and held in custody in the medium term. That's why we are already creating the infrastructures for everyone to use the new structures in a meaningful way.
  • The blockchain will change the way we hold assets in custody. We are preparing for this in good time. As a first step, we want to offer commission trading in cryptocurrencies. Accordingly, we are positioning ourselves as a wealth bank - as the partner that will hold all types of assets in custody, either classically or on the blockchain.
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